Dark-Adapted Eyes

Thought and Memory, we are both one and two.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ravens 013

a thousand years
i wrote it all down in my head
between my ears
but then he laughed at me and said

i remember what
he said to me you silly bird
but i know that
he cannot remember a word

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Huginn: He has forgotten, and he moves on to the Fire.

Muninn: I remember the Fire. The Highest unleashed it as Adam left Eden, and thereafter, Adam was dark on one side and pale on the other.

H: One would have thought the effects would have faded with time.

M: One has seen that the effects have magnified with time.

H: I think that the worlds polarise around us. Evil and Good draw more obvious boundaries, and Black and White are squares of opposite colours.

M: My love, Black and White are not opposed. Rather, God has unleashed Colour between them, and now Man has indeed a choice.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Huginn: Did he drink of the waters this time?

Muninn: Yes, as he always has. And so, he forgets.

H: He drinks to forget, as always he has.

M: When he forgets to drink, times have been interesting.

H: So should we hope that he forgets?

M: Rather should we forget hope, than hope he forgets!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ravens 012

let us have no walls they said
chain us not with chains of lead
make us free to see the sky
set no limits on our why

so the walls were taken down
and the roof no more a crown
restless feet were left to roam
see how mankind lost their home

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Huginn: I am thinking of expansion.

Muninn: Yes. Very clever. Think big thoughts, why don't you?

H: The ideal gas is one with no particular size, it says here. Its effects are tangible, but it interacts with nothing.

M: I once knew a brain like that.

H: It has mass, but no volume. And its impacts are totally elastic.

M: Yes, it must be the same brain I once knew.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Huginn: Where have we been?

Muninn: You never remember such things.

H: Well, where have we been, then?

M: Actually, I don't know.

H: What is the point of being Memory, then?

M: I don't KNOW.